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Jamie Cheattom said she adopted this quote from American poet and Civil Rights activist Maya Angelou when she was young: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, ...
The author of this unique collection of new verses, opening one side in Hindi and the other in Urdu, is Salman Akhtar—an ...
Lamar's performance was layered, packed with history, and made a statement — whether you caught it or not is a different ...
Check out the latest publish from the Highland Avenue Poets + more exciting projects with local authors. #BirminghamAlabama #birminghamalauthors PI ...
Maria Kelson was already an award-winning Wyoming poet when she decided to tackle something totally different — a crime ...
It's been almost a year since 13-year-old Madeline “Maddie” Soto was found dead on the side of a road in Osceola County.
James E. Tokley Sr., Hillsborough County's poet laureate, cherishes words like "cantankerous" and "rapscallion" and contributes to the region's cultural identity.
I Am Here!” exhibition at the Harrison Institute and Small Special Collections Library honors Harlem Renaissance poet and ...
In his 1925 poem “The Hollow Men,” poet T.S. Elliot ominously suggested that the world will end not with a bang, but with a ...
Filmmaker RaMell Ross may be a practitioner and admirer of visual art, but in cinema, he strives for the effect of poetry.