A nearly century-old offshoot of Einstein’s general theory of relativity may hold promise for solving the mysteries of dark ...
Black hole singularities should not exist, according to theories of quantum mechanics. New tweaks to Einstein's equations of ...
We shall endeavour to do this for the Theory of Relativity, and to show that the whole ascent is composed of small, almost self-evident steps of thought. The entire development starts off from ...
THE meeting- of the Royal Society on February 5 was devoted to a discussion on the theory of relativity. It was opened by Mr. J. H. Jeans, who said it xvas a better analogy to liken the new ...
Physicists hope that understanding the churning region near singularities might help them reconcile gravity and quantum ...
and thus no evidence of top quarks defying Einstein no matter what way proton beams are orientated (or what time of day ...
Einstein predicted that massive objects bend light as it passes through their gravitational field. This week, a new telescope let us see this directly.
Scientists have discovered a way to create black holes without the mysterious singularities where physics breaks down. By ...
They act like a natural clock, helping us understand how matter moves as it falls in, allowing us to test extreme physics, ...