Barunson E&A Boards Thai Film ‘Delete’ Parasite producer Barunson E&A is boarding Thai studio GDH’s feature Delete, which is ...
Each January, the Sundance Film Festival takes over the snow-tinged ski town of Park City, to celebrate original, independent ...
Fox (”Uncut Gems”) plays Cece, a real estate agent who introduces a family to their new home. In the movie, directed by ...
American boxer Devin Haney took aim at Sylvester Stallone over the actor's recent commentary on the current state of boxing.
I became very taken with movie puzzle site Cine2Nerdle’s battle mode, which pits two opponents against each other in a movie ...
TLC says the show "will feature hilarious moments around the dinner table to candid discussions about mental health and their ...
Russell Crowe has remained one of Hollywood’s best in classic leading man and versatile actor style. Over his long career and ...
New 'Paradise' and other TV shows, movies build interesting worlds where an elite few find shelter after apocalypse.
Thandel is a romantic survival drama film which is based on a real incident. For some more details about what actually ...
Jake Paul and Logan Paul will not fight each other. Rather, the brothers are launching a reality series on Max.
Most Hollywood films feature highly choreographed intimate scenes, however this isn't always the case. Here's a roundup of ...
"The Wedding Banquet," which screened at the Sundance Film Festival, updates the 1993 Ang Lee original with humor and heart.