Eighteen residents in Barangay Gunting, Barili town in southwestern Cebu, are currently confined at the local infirmary after contracting typhoid fever, with authorities investigating possible links ...
The Hobbs meter measures time in tenths of an hour. This is the one you want to pay attention to because it is where you get ...
For pH meters that do not have ATC, users need to manually correct for temperature. This involves applying a correction ...
The BMW X5 xDrive50e M Sport retails for P 6,990,000 and comes with a portable flexi charger, a 5-year or 200,000-kilometer ...
Once you test your soil for pH, you will know whether or not you need to adjust the pH level for the specific crop you will ...
Norwegian journalists wanted to see the difference between the advertised range and the real-world range. Tesla was not at ...
Government and commercial buildings in five municipalities and a city in Ilocos Norte will be tapped to pilot smart meters in ...
It was about two meters (six feet) long, and torpedo-shaped with fins. “Based on our open-source research in the internet… HY-119 refers to a Chinese underwater navigation and communication system,” ...