The ninth and tenth playing days of the competition took place in Yaounde and Douala last weekend.
Clubs like Victoria United, Canon Yaounde, Yong Sport Academy, that have had a say in previous editions, are struggling as ...
The former Advocate General of the Supreme Court will be remembered for his advocacy and dedication to justice and the rule ...
It comes after President Trump's special envoy to Ukraine said European leaders would be consulted but not take part in any ...
The closing ceremony of the competition took place in Yaounde on Friday February 14, 2025.
Some 30 players are fine-tuning their skills at the CAF Excellence Centre in Mbankomo ahead of the first leg second qualifier ...
The President of the Constitutional Council, Clement Atangana, presided at the taking of the oath of office event on February 18, 2025.
Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute participated at the 38th ordinary session of the African Union that also witnessed the election of a new Chairperson of the AU Commission.
Le ministre des Forêts et de la Faune a reçu hier à Yaoundé l’ambassadeur japonais pour échanger sur les grands axes de ...
Les acteurs de lutte contre ce fléau se sont réunis du 17 au 19 février dernier à Bertoua dans le cadre d’un atelier ...
Sensibilisation, fouilles inopinées et bien d’autres organisés par les établissements scolaires, associations et gouvernement ...
Une mini-centrale solaire photovoltaïque a été inaugurée dans cette formation hospitalière de la région du Nordsss, le mardi ...