A systematic review published last month asks the question, how well do people judge the accuracy of the news?
AI might be our greatest frenemy—boosting our productivity and creativity while making us question effort, intelligence, and ...
Time feels slow when we wait and fast when engaged. Emotions, novelty, and biology shape perception. Managing time well helps ...
The book has been the most delicious feast. Reading it has been like wandering down an extravagantly lavish banquet hall sampling one delectable treat after another. The book is funny and sad and ...
When a mother dies, her daughters are often forced to confront a new version of themselves that no longer includes their ...
We can't make everyone happy all the time, nor should we. But by nurturing resilience through moments of discomfort, we ...
Telling people that suffering is optional is not only misleading, but it can also hinder the normal healing process.
Friendship after 60 isn't just fulfilling—it's vital. Learn how social connections boost health and happiness, and practical ...
The word trigger, as it is used here, is a metaphor for the trigger of a gun. Pull the trigger and the gun goes off. In that ...
Many believe that taking care of our well-being is selfish, naïve, and even immoral. Self-compassion is the place to begin ...
Interpersonal touch can be used to convey emotion and encourage compliance, as can be observed in many recent political ...
Panic complicates our lives and convinces us of imminent danger. We can learn to simplify the confusion of panic by ...