The Boxer-Bernese Mix ... provide a unique mix of characteristics, there are also other mixed breed dogs to consider, such as the Cavachon (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bichon Frise Mix), Pomsky ...
There are moments in life when you can't hide your true feelings no matter how hard you try. Bernese Mountain Dog, Walt, can ...
On Wednesday, February 26th, a couple of Bernese Mountain Dogs decided that they cannot wait another darn minute for spring ...
When reviewing the photos, he saw something he hadn’t noticed before: A mountain shaped like a dog’s head rested on the ground next to the Yangtze River, its snout perched at the water’s edge.
When reviewing the photos, he saw something he hadn’t noticed before: A mountain shaped like a dog’s head rested on the ground next to the Yangtze River, its snout perched at the water’s edge. “It was ...