Jennifer Bauer, 45, was mortified-yet again-when a friend realized she wasn't paying attention to their lunch conversation. "I'm so sorry, what did you say?" Jennifer apologetically asked, trying to ...
Researchers from the UK and Slovenia have identified disrupted brain-blood flow coordination and increased breathing rates as ...
Doing Pilates for back pain is a simple and effective approach to relieve discomfort. Check out the best Pilates exercises ...
Ardha chakrasana or the half-wheel pose may help to improve flexibility and keep stress at bay. Check out how to do it.
Whether it’s work stress, nerves on a first date or even an emergency, here’s how to shift your mindset to remain calm, cool ...
A stitch can be a thorn in your side while racking up miles, but can it be prevented? Harry Bullmore finds out ...
With the Pope falling ill at 88, we take a look a three conditions that can be serious for the elderly and how to treat them ...
Celebrity fitness instructor Yasmin Karachiwala shares 5 easy-to-use Pilates apparatus to upgrade home workouts.
PGA Coach Brendon Elliott and Yoga & Movement Specialist Lauren McMillin share why proper breathing can help you play better ...
A personal trainer tells Harry Bullmore how you can easily build a fit and functional body, improve your posture and enhance ...
Think you're in peak shape? If you can do these three moves for 60 seconds each, your fitness level is truly elite. Take the ...
Feeling stressed lately? This meditation class led by Frances Flores offers gentle stretches and box breathing to address tension and lead you to calm.