With a new administration in place, the ECE Implementation Working Group takes stock of what to expect and how to prepare.
The most recent national report card on education showed Louisiana had made impressive gains. Those came as part of an ...
Lawmakers look to tax credits and the Best Beginnings scholarship program to address the state’s mounting child care crisis.
Poor academic performance is to blame for a decision to sell the Bob Hope Beaumont campus, according to District administration. Bobby Lopez, Bob Hope's Chief Executive Officer, said the school's "D" ...
The Hechinger Report covers the different ways U.S. states are loosening their child care rules to cut costs and how this ...
From birth to age five are prime years for education, and parents can help give their children a strong foundation for ...
Challenges facing the early childhood workforce are vexing, but efforts to address compensation, training, and career paths ...
A child’s brain is an extraordinary learning engine, capable of absorbing information at an astonishing rate and forming complex cognitive, emotional, and behavioral connections during early childhood ...
The early years of a child's life are fundamentally important because they are the foundation that shapes the rest of his/her ...
Connecticut’s Children Committee wants lawmakers to make child care more accessible and affordable. The committee’s co-chairs ...
Early learning and child-care systems have reached a critical turning point as revenues decline, wages stagnate and families ...