IDN Times Community adalah media yang menyediakan platform untuk menulis. Semua karya tulis yang dibuat adalah sepenuhnya tanggung jawab dari penulis.
INFORADAR.ID - Siapa sangka, aktivitas sehari-hari yang sering kita lakukan tanpa sadar ternyata bisa menjadi ancaman bagi kesehatan otak kita. enelitian terbaru mengungkapkan bahwa beberapa kebiasaan ...
Herniasi otak adalah keadaan darurat medis yang terjadi ketika jaringan otak, darah, dan cairan serebrospinal bergeser dari posisi normalnya di dalam tengkorak. Ada lima jenis herniasi otak: ...
If you're a dog or cat owner, one of the best robot vacuums for pet hair could be a game-changer. It'll efficiently pull hair out of carpets and whisk it off hard floors, and direct that hair into ...
The most agile and fluid robotic movements, such as Boston Dynamics’s impressive demonstrations of robot acrobatics, are typically narrow, pre-programmed sequences. Teaching robots to perform a ...
The idea of automated machines doing work for us has existed for as long as civilization, but it wasn't until 1920 that Czech playwright Karel ÄŒapek coined the word "robot" to describe a humanoid ...
At CES 2025 in Las Vegas, the spotlight was on an unexpected yet fascinating innovation—Aria, an AI robot designed to be a companion. Developed by the American tech company Realbotix ...
Lewat Instagram, Aurelie sempat membagikan dua gambar mobil yang keadaannya penyok parah. Satu mobil berwarna putih alami kerusakan di bemper belakang, sementara mobil yang lainnya di bagian depan.
Attendees could also pose for selfies with Booster Robotics’ T1 model, a short humanoid robot that performed feats of dexterity. Tech giants like Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram ...
Tamir Blum founded Kisui Tech while still a student, in 2021 — a company that is using technology from space exploration to build an AI-assisted farming robot. “In the past 20 years or so ...
The world’s first robot in ancient Greece. The Automate Therapaenis (automatic server) poured water and wine. Credits: Video screenshot YouTube Kings and Things The world’s first robot, known as the ...