New gas detection system combines organic sensors with AI to identify complex gas mixtures and nearly identical compounds ...
Diversification is a lengthy and costly process, requiring investment in infrastructure, for example building new pipelines and liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals. However, the EU and its countries ...
Increasing demand for a 'safety as a service' approach to procuring safety equipment and technology is driving the global leader's ambition to significantly expand its Draeger Hire UK business ...
In our earlier papers, we proposed low-complexity ML detectors, but the same symbol metrics of these detectors are calculated repeatedly. In this letter, we further decrease the complexity of these ML ...
BRUSSELS, Jan 27 (Reuters) - The European Commission will continue talks with Ukraine on natural gas supplies to Europe and will include Hungary and Slovakia in these talks, according to a ...
the Guyana Fire Service and the Guyana National Bureau of Standards met yesterday to coordinate efforts aimed at reviewing the recent series of suspected cooking gas cylinder-related explosions ...
An AI gun detection system installed in a Nashville, Tennessee high school couldn’t spot the gun a 17-year-old used to fatally shoot another student and himself earlier this week, according to ...
Inhaling nitrous oxide to get high isn’t a new phenomenon. It started in the 18th century when a chemist first discovered the gas’s euphoric properties and nicknamed it “laughing gas.” From there it ...