Rebel With a Clause” celebrates the improbable cross-country journey of a woman who gently imparts grammar rules to strangers ...
The DePauw University Style Guide provides writing style standards for publications created for DePauw’s external audiences. Also included are examples of correct grammar and forms about which people ...
Oh, here is a group of passengers, waiting "patiently" for their train. "Patiently" is the word describing the verb "waiting". Oh dear. Here is the Gorilla Monster, he wants to play with the train!
The Art of the Deal takes a long time, but life is short and so while the lawsuits are filed and the surrenders on both sides happen, we’ll stay out of the political fray. And just as in this Daddy’s ...
'Will', 'going to', 'be likely to' and 'might' ...
Thanks for subscribing! Below you’ll discover the complete list of animal names our researchers have written about so far. With thousands more domesticated and wild animal lists planned, our goal is ...