There are 112 countries with a national plan to engage women in peace and security processes – a significant increase from 19 countries in 2010. On International Women’s Day take action ...
In honor of National Pound Cake Day, Taste T Cakes CEO and Founder Terri "TBomb" Long stops by to share her pound cake recipe ...
Over 80 Soldiers and their family members attended the Dr. Seuss Family Fun Day, hosted by the Casey Memorial Library and ...
The sweetest day of the year has finally arrived! Cupcake Day for the Ontario SPCA is today, and it’s your opportunity to indulge in cupcakes to help animals in need. The Ontario SPCA and Humane ...
The sweetest day of the year has finally arrived! Cupcake Day for the Ontario SPCA is today, and it’s your opportunity to indulge in cupcakes to help animals in need. The Ontario SPCA and Humane ...
Manaveeyam Veedhi, the city’s cultural corridor, hosted Happy Trivandrum, a novel initiative to spread happiness through fun activities, on Sunday evening. Organised by the district ...
The Minister of Transport and Internal Trade, the Honourable Anita Anand, issued the following statement today to mark National Aviation Day The Minister of Transport and Internal Trade, the ...
While Valentine’s Day and football get the majority of publicity during February, there’s more to this month than love and sports. You may want to consider changing up your typical happy-hour ...
But that’s it. “Finishing touches have to be restrained because this is something you make quickly, and you want to have it at the beginning of your day.” Jullapat often adds nutrition-dense ...
“He is more than happy to co-operate with police,” Sakr said. For now, authorities are continuing to review the footage and assess their legal options. Both Mr Nadir and Ms Abu Lebdeh remain ...