Game Studio has horror puzzle action adventure announced Ao Oni: The Horror of Blueberry Onsen for Switch and PC (Steam). It will launch this spring with English, Japanese, Korea, Traditional ...
Ao Oni: The Horror of Blueberry Onsen in spring 2025 will release ... There was a rumor that it was haunted. Hiroshi, Takeshi, Mika, and Takuro visit the abandoned hot spring inn to record “Mika ...
The Royal Shakespeare Company's adaptation of Hayao Miyazaki's classic film comes to the Gillian Lynne Theatre, near Hoborn and Covent Garden underground stations Returning puppeteers include ...
O problema não é apenas a privatização ou a nacionalização, mas sim a forma como estas decisões são tomadas, sempre ao sabor do vento político. A habitação acessível não pode ser vista como um ...
O Amor Mora ao Lado acompanha Bae Seok-ryu (Jung So-min), uma jovem que busca recomeçar a vida após enfrentar uma série de desafios e erros do passado. Ao retornar para sua cidade natal ...
Aichi Triennale has announced the full list of participating artists for its 2025 edition.
The office of Peter Zumthor has been selected to design an expansion to the Beyeler Foundation, located just outside Zumthor’s childhood home of Basel, Switzerland.
Tomita Hiroshi is the founder of a company that specializes in detecting underground cavities. He discusses how his technology is reducing risks and mitigating damage from all sorts of disasters.
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