In the aftermath of a deadly collision, it’s not uncommon to experience heightened flight anxiety, but for Shenandoah Valley ...
It's vital to maintain a balanced diet—or at least try to do so—especially if you have ADHD.
Washburn University’s Psychology Services Clinic is hosting several group therapy sessions, that can help one to learn coping ...
Though plane crashes are rare, anxiety surrounding air travel is far from uncommon.
ST. LOUIS — Airline crashes are rare. The regularly quoted statistic from a Harvard researcher cites the odds of a U.S. citizen dying in a plane crash as one in 11 million. Still, with easy access to ...
President Donald Trump began his White House briefing Thursday with a moment of silence and a prayer for victims of Wednesday's crash at Reagan National Airport. Trump on Thursday variously pointed ...
High profile plane crashes, like the Washington DC crash, can heighten flight anxiety. Two aerophobia experts share tips on ...
Several studies show that isolation is very common among those diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. However, there are ...
Teachers can use these strategies to strengthen their students’ ability to cope with setbacks and frustration.
Amid the Netherlands' plans for forced repatriation, The New Arab spoke with the Mousalli family about their life in Europe and fears of returning to Syria ...
During and after an exacerbation, mental recovery involves taking care of both your physical and mental health. Resting, ...
Subsequently, one of the other top things Pepler suggests to cope with eco-anxiety is taking action to make small, ...