The Snorkel is an item you can craft in Helly Kitty Island Adventure. To unlock the recipe, you must reach friendship level 6 ...
In total, there are 22 Sakura flowers found around Merry Meadow. This is the maximum that you can find each day, but it will ...
Spark is a required resource for three of the 3-heart gifts in Island Adventure. You'll need Spark for the Volcanic Guitar, ...
Hello Kitty Island Adventure is packed full of furniture. You can buy pieces directly from My Melody, as well as craft them ...
Rubber in Hello Kitty Island Adventure is a material you can collect on the Island that you'll need for multiple different things on your journey, including making Gifts for your friends.
Giving gifts in Hello Kitty Island Adventure is one of the main ... You can only give each character three gifts per day, so make sure you choose which items to give them wisely if you want ...
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Here’s how to get Hello Kitty Island Adventure Yummy furniture, as well as a few tips on making the process as smooth as possible. Unlike other furniture items in Hello Kitty Island Adventure ...
Screenshot by Siliconera Best Gifts to Give Usahana in Hello Kitty Island Adventure Like the ... recommended while Mochi is pretty easy to make but it isn’t quite as valuable to Usahana as ...