Mimpi hamil mau melahirkan adalah pengalaman tidur di mana seseorang merasa sedang mengandung dan akan segera melahirkan bayi. Mimpi ini bisa sangat detail dan terasa nyata, mulai dari merasakan perut ...
Mount Ibu, located on the remote island of Halmahera in North Maluku province, erupted on Wednesday, sending a column of smoke up to 4km into the sky. The volcano's alert status was immediately ...
JAKARTA, Jan 16 (Reuters) - Authorities have begun evacuating 3,000 residents near the Mount Ibu volcano on Indonesia's eastern island of Halmahera, the disaster agency said on Thursday ...
Kandungan ini juga membantu mempercepat regenerasi kulit sehingga memberikan efek kulit yang lebih halus. Bagi ibu hamil, asam salisilat dianggap aman dalam dosis rendah karena hanya bekerja pada ...
Perut ibu hamil akan membesar seiring bertambahnya usia kehamilan. Namun, terkadang perut ibu hamil terlihat lebih besar dari usia sebenarnya. Normalkah? Ukuran dan bentuk perut ibu hamil memang ...
Mount Ibu, located on the remote island of Halmahera, erupted for a fifth time this year today, sending a column of smoke four kilometres (2.5 miles) into the sky. The volcano’s alert status was ...
Mount Ibu erupted at 7.11am for around two minutes, the country’s volcanology agency said in a statement. Clouds of thick grey ash billowed into the sky leaning towards the west, said Mr ...
HALMAHERA BARAT, KOMPAS.com - Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) Badan Geologi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) telah menaikkan status Gunung Ibu di Kabupaten ...
AKTIVITAS Gunung Ibu Kabupaten Halmahera Barat, Maluku Utara, terus meningkat sejak awal Januari. Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) menetapkan status Gunung Ibu naik dari level ...
Mount Ibu, located on the remote island of Halmahera, erupted for a fifth time this year on Wednesday, sending a column of smoke 4km into the sky. The volcano's alert status was subsequently ...
Ternate (Indonesia) (AFP) – Thousands of islanders are set to be evacuated after a volcano erupted in eastern Indonesia, spewing a towering column of smoke and ash into the atmosphere, officials ...
Mount Ibu erupted at 07:11 a.m. (2211 GMT Tuesday) for around two minutes, the country's volcanology agency said in a statement. Clouds of thick grey ash billowed into the sky leaning towards the ...