I’ve been thinking about a comment Jesus made concerning “Rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” (Luke 20:25) The reason I am thinking about this is because I just now filed my 2018 ...
Schaeffer warned against using Christian concepts such as transcendence to mask potential idolatries and dictatorships. This issue was not pursued. The dialogue was sponsored by a three-man ...
I know, you get your butt kicked for so long and you work so hard to expose so many truths-most clandestine that when the ...
It states: "We challenge one another, as God's people in every culture, to face up to the extent to which, consciously or unconsciously, we are caught up in the idolatries of our surrounding culture.
20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse ...