Water that comes straight from natural sources, dubbed “raw water,” is gaining popularity. Raw water advocates reject public water supplies, including tap water, because they don’t enjoy the taste or ...
FARGO — When our weather finally begins to warm above freezing again, the snow will be slow to melt because its temperature will have been lowered by this ongoing cold weather. An exception to ...
While cholera may have been killing people as far back as 400 B.C., it didn't start affecting the Americas until the second cholera pandemic began in 1829. Numerous other cholera pandemics ...
FARGO — A forecast of partly cloudy or cloudy skies with no mention of snow can leave the public confounded when the sky fills with feathery flakes. Forecasters try to make mention of the ...
The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) has updated its 2024-2025 Regional Snow Route Map to help drivers navigate snow-covered roads more safely. First developed in 2007 ...