Tripura showcased its traditional Kharchi Puja, a festival honoring 14 deities. Displayed during Republic-Day, the tableau used bamboo art and modern technology. It included dancers, a bamboo temple, ...
Indra Dev, the king of gods, is worshipped on 25th January 2025, under Jyeshtha Nakshatra. Indra symbolizes power, authority, ...
The Thirty-three gods, or Tridasha, is a pantheon of Hindu deities from the Samhitas, which are the oldest layer of text in ...
BY JYOTHSNA HEGDE Freezing waters notwithstanding, nearly 15 million devotees and visitors took a dip in the revered rivers ...
Swami Vivekananda's teachings emphasize the idea of oneness and universal divinity. He believes in expanding beyond self-interest to achieve true peace and interconnectedness. His message ...
At the start of 2025, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has 202 dedicated temples and a total of 367 dedicated, under construction or announced houses of the Lord, spread across 42 ...
In 2024, President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, announced 32 total locations for new temples — the fourth time in as many years that he identified ...
Major Hindu organisations in Kerala are divided over a suggestion to let men wear shirts while entering temples in the State. Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham Trust president Swami Sathchidananda has ...
The term "God complex" is used to describe a person who believes they have exceptional power or authority and are superior to others. It is not considered a mental illness on its own, per the ...
The century-old Xiahai Chenghuang Temple is host to statues of the City God, his wife, the Chinese Cupid, and 600 other deities. The temple has the highest statue density in Taiwan. Tradition has it ...