The seized RO plants include two under regional office F, two plants and seven RO water ATMs under regional office D, one ...
As the global population continues to grow, innovative solutions are needed to ensure food security. With limited land and ...
Did you know that one pound of phosphorus from excessive fertilization can produce anywhere from 300 to 500 pounds of algae if that phosphorus reaches a lake or river? Reducing excessive ...
Nitrogen is often the most limiting nutrient in growing plants. When deficient, plant yields and quality are reduced. However ...
Colorado's cannabis testing loopholes have led to consumers being deceived about the safety of the products they buy, with ...
A vast field of tall, skinny trees sways in a light breeze. In the future, poplar trees in a scene like this could be a ...
North Carolina State University researchers continue to push the field of plant disease diagnosis forward, developing ...
On-Demand What is the latest going on in the dairy industry? This is your chance to hear an all-encompassing look at the ...
A thousand feet beneath the desert, the United States conducts experiments to verify that its weapons work. But some fear a ...
EXPERIMENTAL work on the physiology of fruiting in woody plants is often made difficult by the large size of most mature fruit trees and vines. Many potentially useful techniques are denied the ...
Coromandel International Limited, an agri inputs company, has inaugurated an advanced Soil and Leaf Testing Laboratory at its plant in Kakinada. The facility will provide soil and plant nutrient ...
Coromandel International Limited, India’s leading agri-inputs company, has inaugurated an advanced Soil and Leaf Testing Laboratory at its plant in Kakinada. Equipped with state-of-the-art ...