John Masiulionis, a recent San Diegan transplant and dog daddy to a precious and playful two-year-old Shih Tzu/Maltese named ...
According to the ChromeOS 133 release notes, a new optional battery charge limit feature is on the way in the next update.
Next time you need to feel like a gamer but stay on task, try one of these excellent idle games to keep you company.
There’s a record number of ex-SEALs on Capitol Hill. Is politics at odds with the special forces’ ethos of working in the ...
Jeff Apter weaves together interviews, newspaper reports, and background from a memoir that Perkins wrote. His love for music ...
Jonny Hanson offers practical ways to live in harmony and share landscapes with these magnificent neighbors and other animals ...
Netflix subscribers have come to eagerly anticipate the gripping dramas from Harlan Coben, with many keen to delve into the ...
Janet Sternburg's new book "Looking at Mexico, Mexico Looks Back" is a look into the soul of the country unlike any other.
Kanjilal is currently working on his third volume of poetry, tentatively titled Herculean 12, which promises to explore ...
We didn’t have choices — or, to put it differently, the choices were taken from us. In his book “ The Paradox of Choice ,” ...
Best-selling author, explorer and TV presenter Levison Wood is set to embark on an exciting new tour this spring - Walking ...