"As a human who is fluent in dog, let me start by saying dogs do tell you when they are upset," an expert told Newsweek.
Dog owners have been warned about the dangers of spring flowers. Dogs Trust Newbury has said that popular plants such as ...
For Wendy, Jenna, Roo, and Boone, their owners want what's best for their dogs, but one hazard outside the Wolf Point East ...
People who live at a River North high rise said dozens of dogs are getting electrically shocked just by entering or exiting ...
If your dog has trouble breathing or any signs of distress, visit your vet right away. If you can't get to your veterinarian right away (or their office is closed), contact them via phone ...
It is up to every dog owner to recognize the signs of pain and seek health care when necessary. I have listed the signs of pain in dogs below, with the most common on top and the most unusual at ...
Much as we did last month, we've scouted far and wide to bring you some of the most exciting sounds from across the metal and heavy spectrum, this month unearthing everything from pop-infused ...
And no sound was louder, both literally and figuratively, than hair metal. Characterized by pop sensibilities intertwined with emphatic guitar riffage, hair metal was the overwhelming rock style ...
The Mitchek Event Center at the Logan County Fairgrounds was full Saturday night for Hospice of the Plains’ Suds, Spuds and Auction. The live auction, which raised just over $18,000, featured 73 ...
Chew on this: A dog’s life — even if that means joyfully and endlessly chasing squirrels — is more meaningful than a dog owner’s life, asserts Mark Rowlands, professor, and chair of the ...