Ladle a cup or two of the liquid left in the crock over the sauerkraut, ribs and pork. Put the pork and potatoes on top of the platter of sauerkraut, serve, and enjoy. Leftovers are good for a few ...
Arrange potatoes around pork. Cover the pork and potatoes with the sauerkraut and juices. Add 1 cup water, butter. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook on Low until pork is tender, 8 to 10 hours.
With the exception of a few churches and community service organizations sponsoring pork-and sauerkraut meals ... whose job is to mash 2,000 pounds of potatoes being used this year to make ...
Season with salt and pepper. (This can be made in advance. If it thickens on standing, reheat with a little extra water.) Serve the split pea purée and sauerkraut with rashers of pork belly.
Community Action Program Agency dining services are available at the Schule Haus, 100 Fourth St. in Jordan. There are also dining sites throughout Scott, Carver and Dakota Counties. For more ...