With the advent of Ramazan, we all witness a strange change of heart. Positive vibes seem to be in the air and ...
Maitland Ward opened up about the "very toxic" situation she found herself in with Danielle Fishel and other co-stars while appearing on the "Pod Meets World" podcast on Monday.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, ...
On the negative side of the modeling continuum, for example, Bandura concluded that young people acted out aggression modeled ...
Positive self-talk is vital in shaping mental resilience, productivity, and health. It reduces workplace stress, boosts ...
These curious molecules are both positively and negatively charged at the same time; the word “zwitter” in German means “hybrid” or “hermaphrodite”. Their unusual nature affords zwitterions a ...
Now, a groundbreaking study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that one day, it may be possible to replace bad memories with good ones, simply by sleeping on ...
Such text writers perhaps think a sentence beginning with a negative pronoun is more agreeable than a positive one. Such sentences are colourless, hesitating, tame and non-committal. William Strunk JR ...
Methods: Socially or non-socially negative words paired with neutral ones were presented subliminally and supraliminally in two dot-probe tasks, respectively. Twenty-six participants with high level ...
In other words, the company is making decisions that are a near-term benefit, but the long-term impact is much less clear and potentially much less positive ... be a huge negative during periods ...