Ultrasonography-identified features like osteophytes and cartilage damage show promise in diagnosing knee osteoarthritis and ...
Dextrocardia adalah kondisi langka yang bisa menyerang jantung bayi. Beberapa kasus tidak memerlukan penanganan khusus. Baca ...
Aims Quantification of linear lung ultrasound (LUS) artefacts (B-lines) represents a novel, non-invasive approach to assess pulmonary congestion. We investigated the relationship between the ...
If there is a type C esophageal atresia, there will be air in the stomach and intestines. Sometimes before birth, an ultrasound performed on the pregnant mother may show “absent stomach,” in which ...
Objectives To determine the prevalence of 22q11.2DS in adults with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and pulmonary atresia (PA)/ventricular septal defect (VSD) and to assess the level of recognition of the ...