The toothlike structures represent a step toward bioengineered replacements for dental implants, say researchers behind the work.
THEY strolled through the streets of Milan, chatting and smiling, playing with their children and wandering in and out of ...
A male barn owl keeps watch out of a barn owl box from The Owl Box Company in Madera. The birds serve as a solution for farmers combating rodents like gophers and rats on their farms and the owl boxes ...
Maureen Dowd, the North Star of the leftish NY Times, has immortalized the big and Pulitzer Prize winning. Her new ...
When Fray Tomás de Berlanga first landed on the Galapagos Islands in 1535, he wasn’t impressed by the dry, volcanic landscape ...
Some mistake them for beavers and offer a curious pat, while others flee, convinced they are giant, disease-ridden rats. Recognised by their orange front teeth and rat-like tails, the mammals ...
Like something out of "Little Shop of Horrors," scientists have managed to grow human-like teeth in a lab — and implant them inside a miniature pig's mouth. As the MIT Technology Review explains, ...
A truckload of rats was just the beginning for Oscar-nominated production designer Craig Lathrop's decaying world.
Series like Immersion, Hardcore Tabletop, and RWBY contributed to Rooster Teeth's legacy. The company's content, including ...
JOLIET, Ill. — An Illinois man was found guilty Friday in the fatal stabbing of a 6-year-old Palestinian American boy and the ...
Here's a free downloadable game that generates a maze of exhibits from the internet's best-known communal ...
Albert Square's residents are celebrating, but falling viewer figures have fans worried the soap bubble has burst ...