Good Girl,” by the German-born writer Aria Aber, asks what it means to want to belong to a society that wishes you harm.
Alice in Wonderland doesn’t count,” chanted a troop of New York City Girl Scouts who realized that out of twenty-two statues ...
Check my grammar,” Tori Amos says, serious and sudden, when debating the correct use of “was” and “were.” “My mother just ...
The Bible includes a lot of begatting. Cush begat Nimrod. Jacob begat Joseph. Abraham begat Isaac. Salmon begat Boaz and Boaz ...
Proponents point to historic highs in book ban attempts, largely targeting people of color, women and LGBTQ+ communities.
Nanda Reddy is a local author who’s first novel was published March 4, 2025. As part of her book launch, Reddy stopped by ...
''Count My Lies'' by California-based author Sophie Stava is our "GMA" Book Club pick for March. The novel follows Sloane ...
From 18th-century dramas to young adult fantasy novels published in the 2000s, this list can help everyone read like a German ...
A golden retriever's unexpected new habit has melted hearts across the internet.
A love for reading starts early, and the Embrace Girls Foundation is making sure young minds are ready to turn<a ...
Kelsey McKinney’s book, You Didn’t Hear This From Me, whirls through some good examples of gossip in culture, but overstates its importance ...
If you’ve been on the lookout for some truly inspiring reads for the young girls (and boys) in your life, you’ve come to ...