For a long time objective measurement of subjective experience was considered impossible, but it is finally becoming a reality, promising a boost for health care and much more ...
Life with a dog is a matter of give and take. Especially when it comes to communication. With no common human-dog language, our ability to communicate relies on understanding and reading our pet, and ...
In math and computer science, researchers have long understood that some questions are fundamentally unanswerable. Now ...
This breakthrough could have significant implications for quantum computing, as supersolid-based photonic systems may provide ...
Physicists have transformed laser light into a supersolid, marking an entirely new process for achieving this mysterious ...
"In a quantum theater, where bosonic particles (particles with integer spin) go, everyone can sit in the central seat, forming what is called a Bose–Einstein condensate—a superfluid state in which a ...
In a groundbreaking experiment, researchers have successfully transformed light into a supersolid, an unusual state of matter ...