Narratives bring order to the world and entice us with emotional rewards. They also help people bond and recover after times ...
When she died, the doctor conducted an autopsy, finding in her brain two suspicious proteins: sticky plaques between her ...
Your health is not in safe hands, claims a new book Follow the Science by Sharyl Attkisson, an American investigative ...
Using a novel system, researchers found that a part of the basal ganglia called the striatum is not involved in action selection as previously thought. Instead, the striatum and the motor cortex work ...
For decades, the idea that creativity comes from the right side of the brain has dominated popular culture. People have been ...
In “Doctored,” Charles Piller uncovers evidence that many important Alzheimer’s studies are based on faulty data.
By Deborah Blum Deborah Blum is the director of the Knight Science Journalism ... can reshape the brain, changing both its physical structure and chemical function. The book includes a series ...
As exams near, being glued to books without exercise can affect cognitive performance. Simple workouts enhance blood flow, ...
These books by Stephanie Burgis, Michel Nieva, Koji A. Dae and Molly O’Neill show that even those who’ve been scapegoated as ...
But The Telepathy Tapes takes that faith one step further. Spelling is not just inspirational, the show suggests; it ...
In the fourth episode of The Deep End, Jon Nelson and others describe dealing with emotions they haven’t felt in a long time.