The German scientists were cautious: while it was clear that they could build atomic bombs in principle, they would require a great deal of resources to do so and could not realize such weapons ...
Oppenheimer joined the Manhattan Project, a nationwide effort to build an atomic bomb before the Nazis developed one, in 1942. The scientists he led at the Los Alamos site were probably the most ...
Once China produced weapons-grade uranium, it assembled its first atomic bomb in as little as three to five weeks. Iran may ...
Threat level set at highest yet amid warnings of ‘pathogens with pandemic potential’ and ‘weapons for which countermeasures ...
scientists and equipment from the Metallurgical Laboratory were reorganized and directed to begin investigating peaceful uses of atomic energy, becoming the nation’s first national lab—Argonne ...
On January 22, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) published an article titled "How quickly could Iran build its first nuclear weapon? Look at ...