An interior drain gets installed along the interior of the foundation walls of the basement or crawl space. Then, the drain pipes divert the water to a sump pump which pumps the water outside.
Problems solving skills are on full display with these 100 outrageous things homeowners have done to their houses ...
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires Medicare and other insurance plans to cover the cost of breast pumps. However, coverage typically only applies to specific pump types, and there may be other ...
The prize funds a year of travel abroad, culminating in a solo exhibition back in Nashville at Vandy’s contemporary art gallery, Space 204. Hamblet Award recipient Adam Alwan’s Real/Heal is ...
Big demands in New Bern include faucet covers and space heaters and when it comes to salt brine for sidewalks and driveways, people at Ace Hardware said they’re already sold out. The City of New ...
Eligible work includes: installation of a backwater valve; installation of a sump pump; severance and capping of a home’s storm sewer or external weeping tile connection. Disconnecting the downspouts ...
A sump pump can provide an additional safeguard against basement water infiltration. This subsidy covers up to 100% of the cost of installing a sump pump, to a maximum of $6,000. The City does not ...