A global analysis of lung cancer incidence has uncovered significant geographical and temporal variations in histological ...
SEER data show that small cell lung cancer (SCLS) incidence has steadily declined due to reduced smoking rates, but survival outcomes have seen only minimal improvement, underscoring the need for more ...
Background: Asthma poses a significant public health burden in China, affecting millions with substantial incidence and mortality. Understanding the trends and future projections of asthma incidence ...
A new study found an increase in adenocarcinoma, a lung cancer that is most commonly associated with nonsmokers.
Hospitalised children predate 19th-century specialist children’s hospitals. Before Lister and anaesthesia, surgery was generally of short duration. In the 18th century, paediatric surgery was ...
This means that roughly three of every 10 people with lung will live for at least five years following their diagnosis. The rate can be far better or worse depending on how early or advanced the ...
However, it is possible for the cyst to become infected with bacteria. If this happens, a pus-filled mass called an abscess can form. Symptoms of an abscessed Bartholin cyst include: Around 2% of ...
In this randomised clinical trial, post-obturation pain after non-surgical endodontic therapy was not uncommon after one day (29 %), but only 5 % of teeth had pain after seven days. There was no ...
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The most common type of anal abscess is a perianal abscess, which typically appears as a painful swelling near the opening of your anus (the section at the end of your digestive tract where poop ...
The iron lung, conceptualized in the late 1920s, was most notably the first line of defense against polio during the epidemics that occurred between 1948 to 1955. The device saved the lives of ...