Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips.
While doing some house cleaning, I came across a column of yours that I had clipped and tucked away. On one of the pages I had dog-eared was the poem, “Decide to Forgive.” I was struck by how timely ...
It was written by a former assistant United Nations secretary-general who passed away in 2010 at the age of 87. His words are ...
The Animated Series, Harley Quinn's wild sense of humor and outlandish quotes quickly made her a fan favorite character.
Over the years, Pope Francis has continued to speak about fraternity and love, plus faith, peace and more. Read on for more ...
Not only are they a built in best friend for their siblings, they're automatically another (slightly cooler) parental figure ...
Love is not exclusive to lovers. It's for anyone and everyone. If it were not there would be no ministers or priests to preach. No Mother Theresa or teachers to teach. No one looking up at the moon ...
By accepting that love can be both steady and electric, we open ourselves up to a richer, more fulfilling form of intimacy.
One of China's most famous poets, who some call the country's Emily Dickenson, is breaking new boundaries by taking to the stage to dance.
Discover 50 inspiring International Women's Day quotes from Michelle Obama, Maya Angelou, and other influential women. These ...
31. "Feminism is not a dirty word. It does not mean you hate men. It does not mean you hate girls that have nice legs and a ...
Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away September 18, 2020, at 87 years old, following several bouts with different cancers. The ...