The Getty Villa Museum, which is home to a large collection of artifacts and antiquities from Rome and Greece, is located directly off the Pacific Coast Highway in the Pacific Palisades area of ...
Turis asal Arab Saudi yang berkelahi dengan marbot masjid di kawasan Puncak, Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, terancam dideportasi. Ilustrasi perkelahian. WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, BOGOR - Turis asal ...
The Getty Villa, located in the Pacific Palisades, will remain closed until further notice. While the grounds were damaged by the fire, the collection's art has remained safe. “The Getty Center ...
Berikut jadwal Cap Go Meh 2025 di Bogor. Hari, tanggal: Rabu, 12 Februari 2025 Waktu: Pukul 15.00 - 24.00 WIB Lokasi: Sepanjang Jalan Suryakencana - Siliwangi. Sehubungan dengan acara Cap Go Meh ...
Peristiwa ini diduga terjadi di Masjid Al Muqsit, Desa Tugu Utara, Kecamatan Cisarua, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Dalam video tersebut, tampak dua orang terlibat baku hantam di area masjid. Sejumlah ...
Rp 2,85 Miliar Harga dijual villa lokasi dekat taman safari cisarua puncak bogor Rp 6,9 Miliar Harga vila puncak bogor 14 Rp 2,5 Miliar Sedang mencari properti yang bagus untuk investasi atau pribadi?
Editor's Note: This story has been corrected to remove an image that falsely identified the Villa de Leon as the Getty Villa. One of Los Angeles' most prized gems is at risk from the raging ...
The Getty Villa, the museum built by oil tycoon J. Paul Getty and home to thousands of priceless antiquities, activated its emergency operations center in response to the fast-moving Palisades ...
The Palisades fire in California has burned through thousands of acres since breaking out Tuesday between Malibu and Santa Monica, but the iconic Getty Villa, which lay in its path, has remained ...
KPU Kota Bogor menetapkan pasangan calon (paslon) nomor urut 3 Dedie A Rachim-Jenal Mutaqin sebagai Wali Kota dan Wakil Wali Kota Bogor terpilih. Penetapan dilakukan dalam sidang pleno terbuka.
TRIBUNNEWSBOGOR.COM, CILEUNGSI - Nasib malang meninma seorang wanita berinisial LN saat melintas di Jalan Raya Narogong, Desa Cileungsi Kidul, Kecamatan Cileungsi, Kabupaten Bogor. Pasalnya, ia ...
Staff at the Getty Villa in Pacific Palisades were praised for their work in preparing the world-renowned property to avoid catastrophic damage as the fire ripped through nearby homes and businesses.