Experts recommend having a "go bag" before an emergency strikes ... very little time to gather their belongings or plan what to do before they have to gather their loved ones and evacuate or ...
A disaster expert offers tips on what you should do now to prepare for an emergency and what to do first if you have to evacuate your home in a hurry ...
Get advice for emergencies like flooding, storms and fires. Learn what to do before, during and after an emergency. While we can't control when emergencies happen, we can prepare for them and seek ...
An emergency supply kit or go bag is typically a backpack filled with the essentials and personal documents. Cal Fire recommends everyone have their kit ready before a wildfire or disaster to ...
CERT educates individuals about emergency preparedness and basic disaster response skills. Students gain the confidence to ...
Despite the large numbers of rail safety improvement programs spearheaded by the U.S. government over the years, “rules of the road” for local police and fire rescue agencies appear to ...