Home | South Carolina Department of Corrections
Office of Inspector General, Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), Fugitives, and reporting Sexual Abuse / Harassment or Offender Usage of Cell Phones / Social Media.
Institutions - South Carolina Department of Corrections
Programs: Prison Fellowship, Jumpstart, Peer Support, Prison Industries, Narcotics Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous, Religious Education, Character Based Unit and Anger Management classes.
Inmate Search - South Carolina Department of Corrections
The “inmate search” feature displays photographs and public information on inmates currently sentenced to and incarcerated in the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) as of midnight the previous day.
Institution Information - South Carolina Department of Corrections
The Department of Corrections has 21 institutions and they are categorized into four distinct custodies: close security, medium security, and minimum security which includes community-based pre-release/work centers for those with Minimum-Out Custody classification.
About SCDC - South Carolina Department of Corrections
SCDC is the state adult prison system in South Carolina, responsible for the housing, feeding, and security of adult offenders, aged 17 and above, who were sentenced by the courts to a period of incarceration exceeding three months.
Programs, Reentry and Rehabilitative Services | South Carolina ...
The South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) is committed to providing a range of reentry services that address the specific needs of returning citizens, with the goal of reducing recidivism while supporting a successful return to the community.
Employment - South Carolina Department of Corrections
The South Carolina Department of Corrections protects the citizens by confining offenders in controlled facilities and by providing rehabilitative, self-improvement opportunities to prepare inmates for their reintegration into society.
Family - South Carolina Department of Corrections
The South Carolina Department of Corrections is committed to encouraging relationships between inmates, their family members, and their friends. We strongly feel that visitation is an important part of each inmate's rehabilitation.
The Division of Victim Services - South Carolina Department of …
South Carolina has a constitutional amendment pertaining to the rights of crime victims. The South Carolina Code of Laws requires the department to provide a notice of release-- a temporary, provisional or final release from custody--and to provide a notice of escape.
Office of the Director - South Carolina Department of Corrections
Joel Anderson is Deputy Director for Operations at the S.C. Department of Corrections. He leads operations for security, maintenance and food service for all of South Carolina's 21 prisons. A native of South Texas, Anderson spent 1978-1996 rising through the ranks from correctional officer to major at the Texas Department of Corrections.