Department of Animal and Food Sciences - Oklahoma State University ...
The Oklahoma State University Department of Animal and Food Sciences has distinguished programs in teaching, research and extension. We offer majors in both animal science and food science. We are one of the largest departments on campus, but with a small-town feel, a caring attitude and a commitment to every student.
Animal Science - Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University's Animal Science majors study concepts from production through processing and prepares students for vet school or food production careers.
Faculty | Oklahoma State University
Faculty from the Oklahoma State University Department of Animal and Food Sciences. View contact information.
Animal Science Major | Oklahoma State University
The animal science degree prepares students with a broad range of animal science knowledge and skills. Students will learn about topics like physiology, nutrition, genetics, animal business, production systems and more.
Animal Science, MS - Oklahoma State University
Building upon its tradition of excellence, the Master of Science in animal science graduate program allows students to discover, develop and distribute scientific knowledge to advance the animal and food industries.
Animal and Food Sciences < Oklahoma State University
The Department of Animal and Food Sciences offers programs leading to the Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science degrees in Animal Science and contributes to the interdepartmental Food Science graduate program.
Blake Wilson Profile page - Oklahoma State University–Stillwater
Blake Wilson is an associate professor and is appointed to the Hitch Family Professorship in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences at Oklahoma State. Blake has a spilt research and teaching appointment within the Department.
Animal Science | Oklahoma State University - OSU Extension
Connecting current research on animal health and production to livestock producers and consumers; Providing learning opportunities for animal husbandry; Food, nutrition, health and safety education; Youth, family, community and business development
Animal & Food Sciences Facilities | Oklahoma State University
Animal & Food Sciences Facilities. The Department of Animal and Food Science facilities house quality livestock that are used for teaching, research and extension purposes. The teaching facilities allow students to gain hands-on experience and apply concepts learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios, whether in class or as a student ...
About Us | Oklahoma State University
The Oklahoma State University Department of Animal and Food Sciences has distinguished programs in teaching, research, and extension. Building upon its tradition of excellence, our department discovers, develops and distributes scientific knowledge to …