Tifinagh - Wikipedia
Tifinagh (Tuareg Berber language: ⵜⴼⵏⵗ; Neo-Tifinagh: ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ; Berber Latin alphabet: Tifinaɣ; Berber pronunciation:) is a script used to write the Berber languages. Tifinagh is descended from the ancient Libyco-Berber alphabet. [2]
Berber Latin alphabet - Wikipedia
The Berber Latin alphabet (Berber languages: Agemmay Amaziɣ Alatin) is the version of the Latin alphabet used to write the Berber languages. It was adopted in the 19th century, using a variety of letters.
Tifinagh alphabet and Berber languages - Omniglot
Versions of Tifinagh are used to write Berber languages in Morocco, Algeria, Mali and Niger. The Arabic and Latin alphabets are also used. The modern Tifinagh script is also known as Tuareg, Berber or Neo-Tifinagh, to distinguish it from the old Berber Script.
Berber alphabet - Wikipedia
Berber alphabet may refer to: Tifinagh, the ancient Berber alphabet still used by the Tuareg and recently modernized and made official in Morocco; Berber Latin alphabet, widely used in modern Algerian and some Moroccan publishing, and used by most Berber linguists; Berber Arabic alphabet, decreasingly used in Moroccan and Libyan Berber publishing
Ancient Berber script - Omniglot
Information about the Berber alphabet that probably developed from Punic script and was once used to write the Berber languages of North Africa.
Berber Alphabet and Pronunciation - Learn Languages
This page contains a course in the Berber Alphabet, pronunciation and sound of each letter as well as a list of other lessons in grammar topics and common expressions in Berber also called Tamazight.
The Tifinagh alphabet - Eindhoven University of Technology
The Tifinagh alphabet ("Lybico-berber") has been used by Berber speaking people in North Africa and the Canary Islands at least from the third century B.C. up to the third century A.D. The only dated inscription is from 139 B.C. Its use disappeared, or had …
Berber languages - Wikipedia - BME
The Berber languages, also known as Berber or the Amazigh languages (Berber name: Tamaziɣt, Tamazight; Neo-Tifinagh: ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ, Tuareg Tifinagh: ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵗⵜ, ⵝⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵗⵝ, pronounced [tæmæˈzɪɣt], [θæmæˈzɪɣθ]), are a branch of the Afroasiatic language family.
Tifinagh: The Amazigh Alphabet - Morocco World News
Dec 29, 2019 · Tifinagh is the alphabet used by the Amazigh people in North Africa to write in Tamazight (Berber language) and record their traditions and customs.
The tifinagh / Berber alphabet: history and current status
Tifinagh/tifinaɣ is an ancient writing system used by the Numidians in North Africa since ancient times. Also known as Libyan, this alphabet has survived and come down to us through the indigenous inhabitants of this vast region, who have continued to use it.
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