DLC Install & Order to Play? :: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel General ...
Oct 1, 2015 · The DLC should install automatically through the Steam Download manager. Go to your library's Pre Sequel page and check the DLC tab to make sure they all say Installed. There is no order to the DLC, and only one is story-based. Normal (1st playthrough) is level 0-30, TVHM (2nd) is 30-50, and UVHM (3rd) scales to your level beyond 50.
When to play DLC :: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel General …
Jun 11, 2015 · Hey I just picked up the game + season pass on summer sale. I enjoyed the crap out of BL2 (and that's saying something since I usally hate RPGs)... but the one problem I had is that the DLC did not fit in with the main game (level-wise). A lot of time some of the otherwise great DLC was ruined becasue my character was too high level, other DLC made my …
Claptrap DLC Legendaries - Grinder? :: Borderlands: The Pre …
Apr 14, 2015 · Thanks Edo - I saw the Meganade while trying to farm a Storm Front from the grinder using a Meganade (easy farm) and 2 other grenades, so I'm not sure if all 3 DLC oranges are needed, maybe for weapons it's different.
How can i start DLC? :: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel General …
Mar 31, 2015 · I have season pass, i have dlc installed.. but how can i start playing? There is no new missions ingame (main story finished). Showing 1 - 11 of 11 comments
DLC Worth Buying? :: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel General …
As of right now, the three DLCs do not add to the story. There is commentary during the Holodome DLC from Axton and Gaige that comment about the main story, so spoiler alert if you play that before you finish the main game because they will talk about what happens, and the upcoming DLC Claptastic voyage is a small story in itself, from what I hear =)
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Steam Community
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Borderlands Collection: Pandora's BoxThis title is included in Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box!About the GameLAUNCH INTO THE BORDERLANDS UNIVERSE AND SHOOT ‘N’ LOOT YOUR WAY THROUGH A BRAND NEW ADVENTURE THAT ROCKETS YOU ONTO PANDORA’S MOON IN BORDERLANDS: THE PRE …
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Steam Community
When I first went to Deck 13.5 I was on TVHM and my level was 35. The enemies and quests were ~40, though. So I switched to Normal mode and played through the DLC on normal, which was a lot better, because everything had my level. Now I'm level 42 and I want to replay the DLC on TVHM. Will I start at level 40 now and will I always be overleveled for the quests? Or will …
Claptrap DLC Bug. Can't progress :: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel …
Apr 1, 2015 · Can't complete mission "END OF LINE" because of a bug. After releasing of Hope and Self-esteem and when they came to Claptrap's consciousness, they just stands and do nothing. I re-entered in the location, but then i saw that there is no Hope and Self-esteem and Claptrap's consciousness just stands near the entrance. Trying to interact with him causes …
Will the UHD Texture DLC do me any good? :: Borderlands: The …
Apr 25, 2019 · It says: Increase the visual fidelity of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and its DLC with upgraded and remastered environment, character, and weapon textures. Playing at 4K resolution will provide the greatest enhanced visuals, but improvements can be seen on lower resolution displays as well.
Are the DLC characters worth it? :: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel …
Sep 30, 2015 · I think the season pass was ok. the 2 classes + the claptrap DLC are ok. The arena DLC annoyed me, BL arena DLCs have always been lame. I guess the problem is I compare it to the Game of the Year edition of BL2 - which had 3 good content DLCs (Torgue, Capt Scarlet + Tina's) one so so content (Hammerlocks) and 2 dlc classes (gaige + krieg).