The Whole "CSU vs. UC" Dilemma | Student Doctor Network
Aug 25, 2012 · Students at UC schools usually attend the weekly discussion sections that correspond to the main lecture. Another HUGE difference between a UC school and CSU school is the research. 90% of UC students engage in some type of research.
UC vs. CSU | Student Doctor Network
Sep 7, 2006 · -Being the best at a CSU is better than middle at a UC. Wherever you go, it's important that you excel if you hope to reach medical school. 3.8's at UC vs. CSU, the advantage goes to UC. 3.9 CSU vs. 3.6 UC...I'm confident the CSU will look better.-I think it's unfair to say there aren't many medical students from CSU's vs. UC's.
csu vs uc | Student Doctor Network
Dec 26, 2008 · hi SDNers, I am currently in a situation where I need to decide whether to transfer to a CSU or to a UC. I know that earning a degree from a UC is more impressive than earning it from a CSU. However, due to the student- instructor ratio at CSUs, I …
UC vs. CSU | Student Doctor Network
Nov 16, 2000 · UC vs. CSU. Thread starter psychmed2005; Start date Nov 16, 2000; This forum made possible through the ...
The whole CSU vs UC (Undergraduate college) - Student Doctor …
Jul 26, 2014 · Second UC(University of California): 10 universities are UC's except UCSF is only for graduate, 2 UC's have dental schools high tuition than CSU, have high population on CSU, not than easy to get the same grades like CSU's the grades are on curve, and yes you will love the college experience there the difference diversity, your professor will ...
CSU vs CC to UC | Student Doctor Network
Jan 31, 2010 · I made some poor choices during my sophomore and junior years which resulted in a current cumulative GPA of 2.79. I take the ACT and SAT in October. My ultimate goal is to get into UCSF and I had a question on which path to take. 1) A community college for two years then transfer to a UC...
Best UCs for MedSchool? UCs vs CSUs? | Student Doctor Network
Apr 6, 2008 · The UC vs. CSU thing exists more in-state than nationally. A lot of folks nationally don't understand that they're two different college systems. All things being equal, you're generally better off with UC. The CSU system is a fine one, but they're not as nationally known as the UCs.
UC or CSU for Biology?????Curve??????? - Student Doctor Network …
Apr 13, 2008 · 3. UC vs. CSU Pre-meds have many strong opinions about this, but usually with very little to back it up. 1. Won't even touch this, but to say talk to practicing physicians. Only premeds and a few med students with grudges care if you went osteo or allo. 2. Look around at pre-allo. Do a search.
Need Advice on Cal States/UC's... | Student Doctor Network
Apr 6, 2007 · For pharmacy school...it might not make a difference since schools accept community college credits, so taking CSU classes vs. UC might not be a huge difference. A huge factor might be the ability for you to get a research position since UC is a research institution. CSU's cannot grant Ph.D's by law, so research is on the UC side of things.
UC vs CSU and some other questions. | Student Doctor Network
Jun 18, 2009 · Hello everyone, I am in the process of applying to a university for transfer next fall and was wondering what your thoughts were regarding UC vs CSU. For those that don't know UC is the high grade public university system in CA and CSU is the lower grade public university system in CA. basically...