List of Famous people born in Centre-Val de Loire, France
Who are some famous people from Centre-Val de Loire? The most famous celeb born in Centre-Val de Loire is René Descartes. See other athletes, actors, singers...
Category:People from Centre-Val de Loire - Wikipedia
Wikimedia Commons has media related to People of Centre-Val de Loire. This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total. This category contains only the following page. This list may not reflect recent changes.
Stars ayant pour région française de naissance Centre-Val de Loire ...
Retrouvez en fonction de la région française de naissance "Centre-Val de Loire" ⭐ la liste des célébrités françaises et étrangères (acteurs, actrices, chanteurs, chanteuses, écrivains, sportifs...).
Celebrities who love France - The Good Life France
Johnny Depp, Roman Abramovich, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have all fallen for the charms of the area. It’s no surprise that so many celebrities visit and make their homes in Provence since there are strict laws in France prohibiting publishing photos of someone without their permission.
List of Famous people born in Pays de la Loire, France
The most famous celeb born in Pays de la Loire is Claude Cahun. See other athletes, actors, singers, politi...
Category : People from Centre-Val de Loire
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
Historical figures, famous Kings in the Loire Valley
Discover several Kings and historical figures involved in the construction and promotion of Loire Valley Castles.
Famous People's Birthdays, November, Centre-Val de Loire, …
🎂 Birthdays of Famous People / Celebrity, in November, Born in Centre-Val de Loire, France. Browse famous birthdays sorted by profession, birth place and birth region.
Category:Artists from Centre-Val de Loire - Wikipedia
Pages in category "Artists from Centre-Val de Loire" This category contains only the following page. This list may not reflect recent changes.
11 celebrities who own a property in France
Jun 16, 2017 · David and Victoria Beckham opted for a more secluded spot than many celebs with a property in Bargemon in Var. Around a 75-minute drive from Toulon and Nice airports, Bargemon is a picturesque medieval village surrounded by olive groves.