Inguinal lymph nodes - Wikipedia
The superior-most node is situated in the groin, deep to the inguinal ligament, and is termed the Cloquet's node (also Rosenmuller's node). [7] It can instead be considered as the inferior-most …
Deep Inguinal Nodes | Complete Anatomy - Elsevier
Cloquet Node or Rosenmüller Node is the alternative name given to the proximal deep inguinal lymph node only (Földi et al., 2012). The deep inguinal lymph nodes drain the muscles, joints, …
node of Cloquet - Medical Dictionary
The lymph node that is the highest (superior most) of the deep inguinal lymph nodes or the lowest (inferior most) of the external iliac nodes, and is the representative (“sentinel”) node taken …
Deep inguinal nodes - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
Proximal deep inguinal node is he uppermost node in the groin, under the inguinal ligament, and is called Cloquet's node (also Rosenmuller's node). It can also be considered as the lowest of …
The lymphatic system and sentinel lymph nodes: conduit for …
The inguinal lymph nodes drain preferably to the Cloquet lymph node , which is located under the inguinal ligament and is the most inferior node of the external iliac chain. The Cloquet lymph …
Deep inguinal lymph nodes | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
Mar 28, 2023 · The most proximal or highest node is known as the node of Cloquet, named after Jules Germain Cloquet (1790-1883), a French surgeon with an interest in hernial disorders. …
The value of Cloquet's node in predicting melanoma nodal
Cloquet's node has a low sensitivity to predict the pelvic nodal tumor status. This was barely improved when we accounted for the number of positive inguinal nodes. Groin lymph node …
The rational of Cloquet lymph node as a sentinel lymph node in …
The uppermost lymph node is known as Cloquet’s node (which is additionally Rosenmüller’s node) and is located in the groin. This node honors either the French surgeon Jules Germain …
Prevalence of High-Risk Prostate Cancer Metastasis to Cloquet’s ...
Cloquet’s node, located at the junction between the deep inguinal nodes and the external iliac chain, is easily accessible and commonly excised during pelvic lymph node dissection for …
CT diagnosis of ilioinguinal lymph node metastases in melanoma …
Six CT characteristics of lymph nodes used to indicate presence of lymph node metastases in melanoma. a Extracapsular spread (ECS) and minimum axis (MA); b absence of fatty hilum …