Corn Water Use | Pioneer® Seeds
Jun 18, 2021 · When does corn water use peak, and when does water stress most affect potential corn yields? This overview of corn water use will help you understand your crop’s water needs.
Table 5 Summary Corn Water Use to Determine last Irrigation Days after Planting Growth Stage Inches Water per Day Inches Water per Week 60-70 Silking 0.25 1.75 70-100 Early Grain Fill 0.33 2.30 100-110 Mid Grain Fill 0.25 1.75 110-120 Maturity to Black Layer 0.23 1.60 . Author: Reinbott, David L. ...
Corn Irrigation Timing and Water Use Efficiency | Crop Science US …
Aug 16, 2021 · Understanding corn water use and the factors that affect it can help guide more efficient irrigation applications. Factors that affect ET and irrigation scheduling decisions include: Crop growth stage. Corn water requirements change throughout the season. Young plants transpire less than larger plants due to a smaller leaf surface area.
Table 1 gives the estimated water use per day and total water use based on the growth stages from seedling through maturity or black layer. Table 2 provides a summary of water use in inches per day from emergence to maturity. Table 3 gives a detailed estimate of water use for corn based on growth stages from research by Dr. Dewey Lee at the ...
Table 2 Summary Estimated Corn Water Use Days After Planting Days After Planting Growth Stage Inches per Day 0-30 early plant growth .05 - .10 30-60 rapid plant growth .10 -.20 60-100 reproductive stage .20 - .30 100-120 grain fill to maturity .25 - .10
Jun 15, 2021 · • Crop water use, often referred to as evapotranspiration or ET is composed of two components: 1) soil evaporation (E) and 2) crop transpiration (T). • Daily ET increases through the vegetative growth stages, peaks around silking, and declines through grain fill. • Corn is most sensitive to water deficits from flowering through grain fill.
When corn does not receive enough water to meet evapotranspiration demands during the reproductive growth stages, significant reductions in yield can occur. Understanding how corn water use changes throughout the season can help guide more efficient irrigation
Irrigation Management for Corn - Nebraska Extension Publications
Corn water use rates decline beginning with the dough stage in response to lower atmospheric demand (shorter days and cooler temperatures and lower solar radiation), loss of transpiring leaf area, and changes in plant physiology as the grain approaches maturity.
Time to Consider Using the Remaining Stored Soil Water in …
Aug 7, 2024 · The average crop water use rate for corn drops from around 2.1 inches per week at silking to only about 1.2 inches per week by the full dent stage. This 40% reduction requires irrigators to adjust their thinking about how much water needs to be applied each week.
Corn Water Use and Evapotranspiration | Integrated Crop …
Jun 26, 2017 · We used the APSIM model to calculate average evapotranspiration values for a central Iowa cornfield to provide information on crop water use and loss during the growing period.
Corn Water Use | Pioneer Canada
Aug 26, 2021 · Average daily corn water use (ETc), water use per growth stage, and cumulative water use over the course of the growth season. Figure 1. Long-term daily average (black line) and individual year (green line) corn water use by growth stage (Kranz et al., 2008).
growth stages for water use in corn are from tassel until grain is fully formed. Therefore, the highest water use by corn is typically during July and August. For soybeans, the critical growth stages are bloom and seed set. A shortage in water supply during these growth stages may cause a reduction in yield. Excess Water
Mean Consumptive Water Use Charts by Crop* - University of …
This is a document on Mean Consumptive Water Use Charts by Crop. These charts are from 1982 L.J. Erie, O.F. French, D.A. Bucks and K. Harris. Consumptive Use of Water by Major Crops in the Southwestern United States.
Corn Irrigation | Tattnall County Extension
May 18, 2015 · There is a chart containing the approximate amounts of water that a corn crop will actually use at different growth stages, a chart containing information about the water holding capacity of different soil types, and an example of irrigation …
Corn Irrigation Timing and Water Use Efficiency • Crop water use is influenced by atmospheric conditions, crop growth stage, planting date and planting density. • Substantial reductions in yield potential can occur if corn does not receive enough water to meet evapotranspiration demands during peak water use in the reproductive growth stages.
Peak water use needs for corn - MSU Extension
Jul 18, 2016 · Irrigated corn has its highest water need and potential greatest benefit from irrigation during the week of tasseling and the following three weeks. Most irrigation scheduling programs have corn using 120 percent of a six-inch grass reference evapotranspiration (rET), which translates to a need for as much as 2 inches per week in corn fields.
Corn Irrigation Timing and Water Use Efficiency - Bayer
Aug 13, 2021 · Understanding how corn water use changes throughout the season can help guide more efficient irrigation applications. Crop water use, consumptive use and evapotranspiration (ET) are all terms used interchangeably to describe the water consumed by a crop.
Crop Water Use | Pioneer® Seeds
Crop water use, often referred to as evapotranspiration or ET is comprised of 2 components: 1) soil evaporation (E) and 2) crop transpiration (T). Factors affecting ET include weather (i.e. solar radiation, temperature, wind, humidity, etc.) and management variables (i.e., soil water, residue, planting date and density, etc.).
Corn Irrigation / Water Use: When to Terminate - Armor Seed
Jun 19, 2018 · From three weeks before silking to black layer, the corn plant will use 0.25 to 0.35 inches of water per day, so it can be of great benefit to supplement any deficit in rainfall with irrigation. The key to proper irrigation timing is checking soil …
New study could lead to development of more drought-resistant corn …
5 days ago · A corn plant knows how to find water in soil with the very tips of its roots, but some varieties, including many used for breeding high-yielding corn in the U.S., appear to have lost a portion of ...
Water and Nutrient Uptake During the Corn Growing Season
In addition soil must release these nutrients quickly enough to meet daily high nutrient demands of the corn plant during the V6 to R1 growth stages. Find out more about nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and how nutrient uptake relates to water uptake during the life cycle of the corn plant.
Large differences in water-seeking ability found in US corn varieties
5 days ago · A corn plant knows how to find water in soil with the very tips of its roots, but some varieties, including many used for breeding high-yielding corn in the U.S., appear to have lost a portion of ...
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