Img2-4 - University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Lateral view of the ventral neck (dog). The external jugular vein (1) is reflected medially to expose the esophagus (2) on the left side. Contents of the carotid sheath [common carotid a., etc.] (3) are barely evident dorsal to (below) the esophagus.
Lab 3 Dissection Steps: Identify the deltoideus m. (both portions of deltoideus together make a ‘checkmark’ shape) Transect the combined portions of deltoideus just distal to the acromion of the scapula and reflect the stumps Free and reflect the scapular portion of …
Img12-7 - vanat.cvm.umn.edu
Cat, pericardial sac dissection. The left ventricle of the heart (1) has been exposed by cutting and reflecting the wall (2) of the pericardial sac/cavity (arrow). The left asterisk marks the conus arteriosus region of the right ventricle; the left auricle is marked by the right asterisk.
Img12-2 - University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Autonomic nerves, left side of the medastinum (enlarged view of previous image after removal of some arteries and veins). The vagosympathetic trunk (1) runs with the left common carotid a. (2) on the esophagus (3).
Ungulate Img1-2
Equine (left) humerus, caudal view on left, cranial on right: 1, head; 2, greater tubercle; 3, lesser tubercle; 4, intermediate ridge within the intertubercular ...
Lab 3 Page 2B - vanat.cvm.umn.edu
This dorsal view of a dog brain shows the canine pattern of sulci and gyri. The cruciate sulcus marks the location of the motor area of the cerebral cortex. The coronal sulcus marks the location of the somatosensory area (body tactile sense).
Ungulate Img2-18
Pathology specimen, open carpus to show cartilage erosions on the distal radius (6). 1, radial carpal bone (Cr); 2, intermediate carpal bone (Ci); 3, ulnar carpal bone (Cu); 4, accessory carpal bone (Ca); 5, carpal canal; 6, OCD lesions; 7, space for extensor carpi radialis tendon; 8, space for common digital extensor tendon.
Spinal Cord Segments (Slide A-2)
Spinal Cord Anatomy CLOSE Spinal Cord Segments (Slide A-2) Glass slide A-2 from the Neuroanatomy slide box contains four transections of a canine spinal cord: C-3, T-6, L-6, & S-2.
Cerebellar Folium
Cell bodies of basket cells (generally located deep in the molecular layer) send axons transversely in the folium. The axons terminate in basket arrangements around adjacent Purkinje cell bodies. (From Cajal, modification of Fig. 200 in Ranson, S. W. and Clark, S. L.: The Anatomy of the Nervous System, 10th ed, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1959.)