Sail sign (elbow) | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
Sep 25, 2024 · The sail sign on an elbow radiograph, also known as the anterior fat pad sign, describes the elevation of the anterior fat pad to create a silhouette similar to a billowing spinnaker sail from a boat. It indicates the presence of an elbow joint effusion.
Posterior fat pad sign (elbow) | Radiology Reference Article ...
Jun 24, 2024 · The posterior fat pad sign is the visualization of a lucent crescent of fat located in the olecranon fossa on a true lateral view of an elbow joint with the elbow flexed at a right angle indicating an elbow joint effusion 1.
Elbow joint effusion | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
Dec 21, 2023 · Any visualization of the posterior fat pad is a sign of an elbow joint effusion. An elbow joint effusion in the setting of trauma is typically a sign of an occult fracture. In adults, the occult fracture is most commonly of the radial head while in children a non-displaced supracondylar fracture should be suspected.
Elbow joint effusion - fat pad sign | Radiology Case
presence of a fat pad sign, mostly means there is an intra-articular fracture. most common cause of elbow joint effusion in adults is a radial head fracture.
Supracondylar fracture with posterior fat pad and sail signs
The positive sail sign is highlighted in red, the latter represents superior displacement of the anterior fat pad. Both of these findings are caused by joint effusion associated with elbow joint fracture and can help identify an occult fracture (although the fracture can be seen in this case).
Elbow joint effusion - fat pad sign | Radiology Case
presence of a fat pad sign, mostly means there is an intra-articular fracture. most common cause of elbow joint effusion in adults is a radial head fracture. sometimes the intra-articular fracture may not be visible, at that time it is called ...
Adult elbow radiograph (an approach) - Radiopaedia.org
Jun 21, 2024 · Check for raised fat pads: visible posterior fat pad always indicates an elbow effusion. visible anterior fat pad may be seen in normal patients and should only be thought of as an indicator of an elbow effusion when massively raised. if there is an effusion in an adult patient, think: acute intra-articular fracture and go looking for it
Radial head fracture and posterior fat pad sign
On the lateral view of the right elbow, the anterior fat pad is elevated, creating a silhouette similar to a boat sail ( the anterior red line), called the "anterior fat pad sign," which indicates joint effusion.
Elbow fat pad (sail sign) | Radiology Case | Radiopaedia.org
Radial head fissure fracture with mild anterior and posterior joint effusion. Case Discussion Following trauma, x-rays of the patient's elbow revealed a radial head fissure fracture and mild anterior and posterior joint effusion (sail sign positive).
X-ray Interpretation: Elbow Injuries - Radiopaedia.org
Any visualization of the posterior fat pad is a sign of an elbow joint effusion. An elbow joint effusion in the setting of trauma is typically a sign of an occult fracture. In adults, the occult fracture is most commonly of the radial head while in children a non-displaced supracondylar fracture should be suspected.