Inca Kola - Wikipedia
Inca Kola (also known as "Golden Kola" in international advertising) [1] is a soft drink that was created in Peru in 1935 by British immigrant Joseph Robinson Lindley. [2] The soda has a sweet, fruity flavor that somewhat resembles its main ingredient, lemon verbena (not to be confused with lemongrass , both of which can be known as hierbaluisa ...
Champagne cola - Wikipedia
Like Champagne wine, it is carbonated, typically with a yellow color, and in many countries, "cola" is used as a general term for all soft drinks, granting it the name of "Champagne cola". Similar products include the Peruvian Inca Kola and the Scottish Irn Bru.
印加可乐 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
印加可乐 (英語: Inca Kola) [1] 是一款 秘鲁 可乐 品牌。 [2][3][4][5] 1910年一位 英格兰 移民约瑟夫·罗宾逊·林德利在 秘鲁 利马 成立一家罐装公司,后改名为 林德利集团,1935年时值 利马 建市400周年之际,同年7月28日推出印加可乐。 [6][7] 1999年 可口可乐公司 买断其49%股份允许在 秘鲁 境外销售的所有权, 林德利集团 拥有 可口可乐公司 旗下产品(芬达, 雪碧)在 秘鲁 代理权。 [8] ^ Publicidad The Golden Kola. YouTube. [January 11, 2012]. (原始内容 存档 于2020 …
15 Best Latin Sodas To Quench Your Thirst - Amigofoods
Feb 25, 2021 · Some of the best Latin sodas include Inca Kola, Guarana Antarctica, and Materva. These fizzy beverages range from sweet to sour with quirky flavors in all sorts of intense colors and are all refreshingly unique.
Inca Kola - LimaEasy
Mar 15, 2022 · Inca Kola is Peru’s most popular soft drink and, if we believe the advertisement, "El sabor del Peru" (The taste of Peru). A must try for every visitor or newbie in Peru. The bright yellow, very sweet soda has a distinct and for many unusual fruity - some say “bubblegummy” - flavor which derives from one of its ingredients, lemon verbena.
India Kola Champagne - Puerto Rico's Original Kola
India Kola Champagne is a sweetened carbonated beverage. Invented in Puerto Rico, Kola Champagne is typically dark yellow to light brown in color, with a flavor comparable to bubblegum or cream soda... and, with no connection to "champagne" or "cola".
- Reviews: 97
Inca Kola - Wikiwand
Inca Kola is a soft drink that was created in Peru in 1935 by British immigrant Joseph Robinson Lindley. The soda has a sweet, fruity flavor that somewhat resem... English
Soda & Soft Drink Saturday – Inca Kola | RecipeReminiscing
Apr 8, 2017 · Inca Kola (also known as "the Golden Kola" in international advertising) is a soft drink that was created in Peru in 1935 by British immigrant Joseph (or sometimes José) Robinson Lindley using lemon verbena (verbena de Indias or cedrón in Spanish). The soda has a sweet, fruity flavor that somewhat resembles its main ingredient, lemon…
Amazon.com: Inca Kola Soda
Inca Kola Golden Carbonated Soda – "La Kola Dorada" – 12 oz Cans (12-Pack) + Free Demaya Reusable Bag
Inca Kola
Grab an iced cold Inca Kola and immerse yourself into a micro Vacation. The explosion of flavor is so unique that everyone that tastes Inca Kola gets a different flavor from it. Try one today and tell us what flavor it is for you.