SCP-3312 - SCP Foundation
Jan 27, 2025 · The current form of SCP-3312 affects an individual in six stages and may only affect individuals with no prior involvement in the furry community 2. It should be noted that SCP-3312 evolves from a compulsive memetic to a mind-affecting agent past Stage 4.
SCP-3312: OwO what's this? : r/SCPDeclassified - Reddit
Jul 14, 2020 · First of all, SCP-3312 is a website with an infohazard that infects any non-furry who visits it with a memetic effect, and its contents have the same effect as itself.
SCP-3312: THE FURRY DISEASE! SCP-3312, Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation webcrawlers must monitor all forms of social media fo...
SCP-3312 : OwO What's This? : r/furry - Reddit
Apr 24, 2018 · *calls Foundation* "Hey, uh, my Class B amnesiacs for SCP-3312 are wearing off. I need another dose to prevent potential progression to Stage 3... Understood. Yes, I will be there. Could you send someone to 'pick me up'?... Alright, thank you."
Mobile Task Furries - SCP Foundation
Sep 4, 2024 · He will infect you without a second thought. He has not shown remorse for his actions. You, Mobile Task Force Y-42, are responsible for locating Walcott and detaining him. You will be provided with modified equipment to protect you from SCP-3312, his work. Preparations for the operation will begin at 2300 hours tomorrow.
SCP-3312 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Item #: SCP-3312. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: Foundation webcrawlers are to take down any links to SCP-3312. Laconic Description: SCP-3312 is a website created by Accelerate the Future that makes everyone who sees it a furry.
SCP-3312, OwO whats this? by IEatRawAnimals on DeviantArt
Mar 30, 2022 · Using a random number generator, I found SCP-3312 or "OwO, what's this?" The article, made shorter so I don't have to go into much detail, is quite simple. Anyone who is against furries or anyone of the sort will be sent to a random and now contained website.
SCP Files: SCP-3312 the Furry Disease #short - YouTube
Nov 17, 2022 · Let's take a look at the file on SCP-3312 aka the Furry Disease from the SCP Foundation. For more information on this SCP check out the file written by the r...
Disturbing revelation about 3312 by a friend of mine : r/SCP - Reddit
Yeah it's an anomaly that turns you into a furry. Slowly, but then all of a sudden you become a feral animal that talks with all the furry speak.
SCP-3312 - OwO что это? - SCP Foundation
Описание: SCP-3312 - это меметический агент, который существует под видом фанатского вебсайта и принуждает людей потреблять продукты, медиа-информацию и контент, относящийся к различным фан-базам (описано подробнее ниже).
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