Intelligence quotient discrepancy indicates levels of motor …
This study demonstrates that 1) IQD indicates the level of motor competence in preschoolers at risk for developmental delays and 2) IQD is negatively associated with motor competence in preschoolers with significant VIQ>PIQ discrepancy.
Statistically inferred vs. empirically observed VIQ-PIQ differences …
Discusses the distinction between statistically significant Verbal–Performance IQ discrepancies and the frequencies with which such differences occur in the WAIS—R standardization sample.
PIQ reflects vi-sual spatial problem solving ability (e.g., Block De-sign), but also assesses possessing speed (e.g., Digit Symbol). Because of the consistency of the 4-factor structure identified across multiple studies, formal factor-based composite scores were introduced in the WAIS-III, although traditional VIQ and PIQ scores
Testing the limits - PubMed Central (PMC)
WAIS-IV composite scores reflect more narrow and, in the case of the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) and Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI), less neuropsychologically sensitive measures than VIQ or PIQ to brain impairment, at least in the context of nonfocal brain disease.
Wechsler VIQ versus PIQ differences in cerebral dysfunction: a
For the past three decades neuropsychologists have published results which indicated that left-sided cerebral dysfunction affected the Wechsler Verbal Scale whereas right-sided dysfunction affected the Performance Scale.
Poor Performance IQ (PIQ) relative to Verbal IQ (VIQ) is a standard finding in depressed patients administered the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R). This study
Interpretation of VIQ-PIQ and intersubtest differences on the
The present study, based on EIWA standardization data (N = 616 Puerto Ricans), reports reliability data and base rates to assist in evaluating the clinical significance of PIQ-VIQ differences. The results demonstrated substantial similarity between the EIWA and the English versions of the Wechsler tests.
Verbal-spatial IQ discrepancies impact brain activation ... - PubMed
In exploratory analyses, the VIQ>PIQ discrepancy was associated with reduced functional connectivity from right inferior frontal gyrus to right thalamus and increased functional connectivity to right supramarginal gyrus (ps < .03, uncorrected).
Using IQ Discrepancy Scores To Examine the Neural Correlates of ...
For VIQ-regressed-on-PIQ scores, positively valued differences (VIQ > PIQ) were associated with relative cortical thinning, and negatively valued differences (VIQ < PIQ) were associated with relative cortical thickening in the same regions.
WAIS VIQ-PIQ differences: Validation and theoretical implications …
Two experiments investigated the criterion validity of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) verbal and performance IQ (VIQ-PIQ) patterns among 38 nondisabled college students and 59 learning-disabled young adults.